Well PaisleyJade, its going to be a decadent one this week, thanks to having had a weekend of bubbles and glamour while away on a hens weekend in Auckland. Its back to reality with a thump today- busy times at work, potty training and trying to organise Christmas is now back on the agenda, and the sleep deprivation of the weekend has caught up with me. No photos this week, they're not fit for public consumption and I would be murdered by a certain bride-to-be.
Just to prolong the fantasy and glamour a wee bit longer, things I loved over the weekend were:
1. The changes made to Britomart- the area down there is just fabulous. There are some gorgeous shops, including the divine Jo Malone and the Kathryn Wilson pop up shoebox, where the staff are great. There are some fantastic bars and restaurants, including 1885 where we danced the night away and L'Assiete who do the best eggs benedict to soothe your hangover. Even the carpark is gorgeous with great murals by one of my favourite NZ artists, Flox.
2. Macarons and hot chocolate pastry- heavenly! We ate our way around the delicious French market, La Cigale and the first bite of the pasttry was........words fail me.
3. Dressing up and wearing makeup, heels and a dress. Not practical for walking, but I enjoyed the elevated status the heels gave me on the dance floor, even if they caused my feet to go numb.
4. Spending good time with a fantastic bunch of ladies and laughing our way through the weekend- it was just great. Its always great to meet a brides friends before the wedding, and with this particular wedding being only a week and a bit away, its going to be a repeat party weekend very soon so we're all very excited!
5. Husbands who hold the fort while you're away and gallantly deal with major poo incidents without panicking or phoning. You're a keeper JR!
Fab list - I still haven't checked out Britomart yet! Must do it soon... and yay for Macarons! Something else I need to try!!